Networking Workshop for creation of the BGD Focal Point for Cyprus
Category : Events
On Saturday, March 29, 2014, a BGD Networking and Brainstorming Workshop will be held at The Cyprus Institute, 20 Konstantinou Kauai Street, CY-2121 Aglantzia, Nicosia to create a BGD Focal Point for Cyprus: a descendant of the EMME (East Mediterranean and Middle East), BGD Regional hub.
The workshop will be held the day after the AdaptToClimate Conference (27th-28th March 2014), which will also be held in Nicosia and at which Prof. Čedo Maksimović (PI of the Blue Green Dream Project) will deliver a key-note talk.
This BGD workshop will run from 09:30-14:00. For further information please contact the BGD Project manager: Dr Karl M. Smith –