BGD Climate-KIC Partners

Partner, country Focal point (name) Role and responsibilities*

Museum of London

Cathy Ross

Coordination of MoL related education and training activities

AECOM, London*, UK

Andy Palmer

Key business sub-grantee for full scale uptake of the project deliverables

Corporation for London, UK

Simon Mills

Coordination of MoL related and full scale  BG Solutions use in retrofitting London districts

ICCI Ltd, UK *

Christos Makropoulos

Management of MoL based business development and development of E-Learning module

AScA, France*

Bernard Baraque

Full scale implem., Socio-economical aspects

Sainsbury, UK

David Penfold/ Paul Crewe

Key end user business partner

CTD Rotterdam*, NL

Hans Scheepmaker

Coordination of the full scale implementation of BGD deliverables in the Stadshavens area –NL demo site

University of Reading, UK

Tijana Blanusa

Coordination of plant related R/D and cooperation with RHS for broad dissemination of results

Institute of Sustainability*, UK

Ed Metcalfe

Coordination of the links with developers

Green Building Council, UK

Joanne Wheeler

Coordination of collaboration with GBC


Andrew Johnston

Coordination of cooperation with Local Governments & Flood Forum

Watermatic / SWIG, Sustainable Water Industry Group

Neal Landsberg

Bosch Slabbers*, NL

Anne Sietske Verburg

SME Business development sub-grantee in urban landscape architecture

Studio Exter*, NL

Michiel van de Lugt

SME Business development sub-grantee in urban planning & design

Advancity, FR

Vincent Cousin

Coordination  of cooperation with Advancity (WP 2-4)

Agence de l’Ecologie Urbaine (City of Paris), FR

Bernard Viel

Coordination  with   Paris Urban  Ecology Agency-WP 2-4

AgroParisTech, FR

Bernard Barraque

Coordination with AgroParisTech on socio-economical and institutional aspects of BGD technology implementation (WP 3; 4)

AquaFutura (City of Paris and universities), FR

Pierre Ribstein

Coordination with AquaFutura  R&D demo site (WP 2; 4)

Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB), FR

Bernard de Gouvello

Coordination CSTB on BGD  technologies for vegetated roofs

(WP 2; 4)

Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (Cnam), FR

Olivier Fouche-Grobla

Coordination Cnam on field scale i experiments (WP 1-4)

Pargade-Architectes Lamache-Architecte, FR

Jean-Philippe Pargade Jean Pierre Lamache

Full scale implementation of the  Green Wave (WP 2-4)

Le ministère de l’Ecologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logemen, FR

Jean-Michel Ginefri

Collaboration on the implementation of the Green Wave experimental site (WP 2)

Seine-Saint-Denis county (CG 93), FR

Roman Quillien

Coordination f collaboration with CG 93 on (WP 2-4)

Val-de-Marne county (CG 94), FR

Philippe Bompard

Coordination with CG 94 on (WP 2-4)


Bruno Tisserand

Coordination of coop. with Chair “Hydrology for Resilient Cities” sponsored by VEOLIA (WP 1-4)

Berliner Wasserbetriebe

To be nominated

Industrial testing

Tempelhof Project

Christian Kuhn

Full scale tests

Watergy, DE

Martin Buchholz

Contribution of the WP2 on evaporation / microclimate

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